Let’s talk about our new habits
My new normal

¿Cuál es el propósito de la semana?
¿Qué información te da a conocer el texto leído?
¿En qué espacios de tu casa realizas tus actividades durante el confinamiento?Menciona 3 actividades.
¿Qué has aprendido en la semana 30?
¿Qué dificultades has tenido alguna desarrollar la actividad?
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
ResponderEliminarGood afternoon teacher, I am the student Tatiana Vilca from the 3rd C
ResponderEliminarWhat is the main topic of the class?
The main topic of the class is the new routine or new habits we do at home during the day at the time of the pandemic.
What do you do at home?
I get up early beacause I have my vitrual classes every day. Also I help my mom cook and I have lunch with my whole family. Sometimes, I cook desserts with my mom and I talk with my friends by video call.
Good morning teacher, I am Miguel Ángel Rivas Olaya from 3° "C" there I send you the answers of the task and I am in A1
ResponderEliminar¿Cuál es el propósito de la semana?
The purpose of the week is write your and your family's routines in the new normal, by the COVID-19
¿Qué información te da a conocer el texto leído?
The new information that the text gives me is about the routines that are done at home and how to mention them in a text.
¿En qué espacios de tu casa realizas tus actividades durante el confinamiento?Menciona 3
In spaces like: Living room, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, etc.
¿Qué has aprendido en la semana 30?
I've learned this week about: How to mention my and my family’s routibes in the new normal by the COVID-19.
¿Qué dificultades has tenido alguna desarrollar la actividad?
In had difficulties in: Drawing my and my family's routines, because I don't draw fast and writing my routines because they had some errors.
Thanks, you.
Good afternoon teacher, I am the student Joshua Dominguez from 3rd A and these are my answers:
ResponderEliminar¿Cuál es el propósito de la semana?
it is our routines in the time of COVID-19
¿Qué información te da a conocer el texto leído?
The information that the text gives me are different routines in times of pandemic
¿En qué espacios de tu casa realizas tus actividades durante el confinamiento?Menciona 3 actividades?
homework: room
Eat: dining room
Showering: bath
¿Qué has aprendido en la semana 30?
different places in my house in English
¿Qué dificultades has tenido alguna desarrollar la actividad?
I had no difficulties.
Good night teacher, I am the student Astrid Celeste Flores Segura from 3rd A and these are my answers:
ResponderEliminar¿Cuál es el propósito de la semana?
Write about our habits in my new normal due to COVID-19.
¿Qué información te da a conocer el texto leído?
The information that the text gives me is about the routines we do at home during the time of the pandemic.
¿En qué espacios de tu casa realizas tus actividades durante el confinamiento?Menciona 3 actividades.
-I get up at 7 am. and I have virtual classes from Monday to Friday here in my bedroom every morning.
-I always help my mom make lunch in the kitchen every day.
-I eat dinner with my mom and dad in the dining room every night.
¿Qué has aprendido en la semana 30?
-I learned to create a text describing my new routine at home.
¿Qué dificultades has tenido alguna desarrollar la actividad?
-I had no difficulty. I could understand reading the platform.
Good afternoon teacher, I am the student Victoria Jaccya from 3 A:
ResponderEliminar- Write about our habits in now our new social coexistence.
- The information is about the routines we do at home in a pandemic.
- My starts to the week start by getting up at 6 in the morning, tidying up my room as well as the living room.
Then I prepare breakfast for myself and my brother, I put the clothes to be washed, and I wake up my brother for his classes, and I I start doing my homework.
- -I learned to write my new routine at home during the pandemic.
- I had no difficulties
Good evening teacher, I am the student Kevin Ayala from 3rd "C" and these are my answers:
ResponderEliminar¿Cuál es el propósito de la semana?
Write about habits in the new normal produced by the covid19 pandemic
¿Qué información te da a conocer el texto leído?
The text read makes me aware of habits during the new normal of the pandemic.
¿En qué espacios de tu casa realizas tus actividades durante el confinamiento?Menciona 3 actividades.
I do my home work in the living room
I take a shower in the bathroom
I take my dinner in the dining room
¿Qué has aprendido en la semana 30?
Learned to describe my routine habits during the new normal.
¿Qué dificultades has tenido alguna desarrollar la actividad?
I had no difficulty.
Good afternoon teacher, I am the Terrel Medina student from year 3c and my answers are:
ResponderEliminar¿Cuál es el propósito de la semana?
Describe how your tujina is in this context using the every and where you do the action.
¿Qué información te da a conocer el texto leído?
the routines of other forgives in this context.
¿En qué espacios de tu casa realizas tus actividades durante el confinamiento?Menciona 3 actividades.
in the living room, bedroom and kitchen. I have breakfast and dinner, I watch TV and study.
¿Qué has aprendido en la semana 30?
to write my routine using time, where and actions in English.
¿Qué dificultades has tenido alguna desarrollar la actividad?
I had no difficulty.