On week 6 we continue talking about foods, but in particular about "Superfoods from Peru". So I invite you to watch this interesting video about this topic

¿Qué dificultades tuviste para elaborar tu post describiendo un superalimento del Perú?¿Qué superalimentos del Perú recomendarías para consumir?

What difficulties did you have to create your brochure about three superfoods from Peru?What superfoods would you recommend to consume?

What difficulties did you have to create your healthy daily meal plan?What superfoods would you recommend to consume? Why?

What difficulties did you have to create your post about a healthy breakfast, lunch and dinner?What superfoods would you recommend to consume? Why?

Week 5

This week 5 we are going to talk about food in all levels

¿Qué aprendiste al realizar las actividades de la semana 5?¿Qué dificultades tuviste para elaborar tu lista de compras?

What did you learn from doing the activities of week 5?What difficulties did you have to create your favourite dish you like doing with your family?

What did you learn from doing the activities of week 5?What difficulties did you have to create blog entry about Superfoods from Peru?

What did you learn from doing the activities of week 5?
What difficulties did you have to write an email about your favourite food, its ingredients and why you like it?

The topic for this week is a challenge according to your Englsih level. So let's see what it is about by watching these videos.

PRE-A1 / A1: Talking about my family

A2: Talking about my routines

A2+: Talking about my last vacations

You are going to make an audio about the topics shown before.

When you finish doing the activities from the web. Please answer the question according to your level.

PRE A1: What are your favorite activities you like doing at home?

A1 : In your family, who is your favorite family member? Describe him or her.

A2: Is family important to you? Why?

A2+: What´s your opinion about following occupations during the lockdown?



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